Let’s set the tone for the Dice 2020. I’m not gonna write you a love song (the unchanged lines ruins it) Or you’re on your way (to become perfect next year?) I’m not gonna write you to stay (we searched but we didn’t find a better substitute)
Babe, I’ll walk the seven seas when I believe that (first we need to need to forgive you for being powerless in windholes)
There’s a reason to write you a love song (yes there is one; the brilliant power build up)
Today, today. (we admit, we are in love)
Duotone Dice 2020
Okay, now let’s cut the crap. Of course we couldn’t wait to test the new versions of what can be considered to be the benchmark. The kite for kiters who love to throw their kite around. For the 2020 version Duotone has been brave enough to really alter a couple of elements on the Dice. Not because there were issues with the 2019 version. But -to our judgement- to refine the Dice even more.

Three points have been changed in 2020; The trailing edge has been made lighter by using less canopy. Seconds it went from 6 to 4 battens (in total reducing the weight of a 9m with 5% to just a fraction under 3kg’s). Ohw and let’s not forget the bag where they added an extra protection under the zipper to prevent any canopy is caught and destroyed by the zipper. But probably the biggest change has been ‘achieved’ by removing the pulleys.
Two questions
Very frequently people ask us two things about the Dice. The first one is if it is really the best kite of all? Answer: No. Yes. Well, not with the lines Duotone is providing. It is something in between a shame and shame full. It is Duotone’s achilleshiel. They make really good kites but some how their bars -or better; their lines- didn’t grow with them. They did not change them the last five years. But the rumour is out that in 2021 they will finally at least change the lines.

Some tips on the Trust bar: Check your depower line, center part and the knot which goes into the metal part at the V regularly. Make the knots on te back lines bigger. Same goes for the pig tails on the bridle. Make sure you never have any tension on the red line which runs down to the iron heart. Moderate to frequent users will need to change (parts of) the lines within 6 months. After that: get stronger ones from a specialist.
The test
The second question we usually get on the Dice is about the changes. But let’s first explain to some one who doesn’t know the Dice about its typical and successful DNA; very low bar pressure, quick to respond on input, easy and quick to depower and some light backstalling issues. Although the Dice did change over the years (2020 is version 7) the Dice still is known for these features. What did change over years is that its high end use got more impressive. Users Particularly love the aggressive pop. If you are an experienced kiter which likes to have the perfect combination of quick and sharp power with more control than kites like a Vegas or a GTS this is your kite. While still being more exciting than a Bandit 2020 for example; black versus red pepper would explain it. Liam would understand it.

But the love song is not only full of praises. The Dice 2020 has gotten even more susceptible for wind holes and not everybody is fond of its low bar pressure. The quite sudden back stall issues -particularly in low winds- remain. So far we haven’t seen negative issues of leaving out the 2 battens. But we fear that -in combination with less canopy on the trailing edge- over time things might get a bit more ‘flappy’ on the trailing edge.
In 2020 there is a tiny increase in bar pressure. The air time improved slightly. But the biggest improvement for sure can be felt best in a mega loop. It feels even more close to perfect. The best feeling ever. Leaving out 2 battens and the pulleys worked out very, very well. The result is a even more brilliant power build up. Like a hot knife that cut its way through butter. More wind? More excitement! And it feels like it has no limit on the high end. It has the best combination off unlimited extreme performance while still having an easy handling. It is the 2020 benchmark.
List price 2020
Duotone Dice (Kite only) 9m 1439,- Euro
Duotone Trust Bar with 22m lines 449,- (excluding chickenloop)