Tag: kiteboarding

The transformable twintip: inobo

Fresh and out of the box thinking gives the kite industry a push in new directions with new opportunities. So we are proud to...

North PIQ vs Woo sports, jump height and air time (part 1).

After the Woo and the Xensr there is again a new tracking device for kiteboarding; PIQ. Supported by North Kiteboarding and introduced weeks ago, a...

Quick review on North’s 2016 kites and twintips

North is a big brand as in very well known around the world, but also in terms of the amount of different types of hardware....

Test: Ozone Edge 9m V7

Air time, with the capital A. This Ozone kite really is something different than other kites. It is all about jumping. Of course the...

Review: Slingshot RPM 8m 2015

While the newest 2016 models of Slingshot are just released, we noticed a shift in models. It seems that the new wave kite...

Review: Best TS 10m and 7m 2015

We took the Best TS out for a test to see till what extend the expectation were met. One thing is already for sure;...